CB Counselling Services




Are you apprehensive about returning to the office?

Back to the office for many Bedford workers

I am seeing examples of people with anxiety about returning to the office after so long working from home. For many, having been away from the workplace for over a year, the concern is about what the new social norms are. Doubt and uncertainty drives anxiety and the brain gets spooked by this and ambiguity generally. Some people can manage their anxiety symptoms alone, others may need a small amount of professional counselling help.

If you feel this way and you work in Bedford, then the good news is that you will not be alone. Because your reaction about going back is both predictable and understandable, there will be many others just like you. Just because not everybody is prepared to admit it publicly, doesn't mean it's not an issue for many.

How to tackle feelings of unease about the office

One of the most effective ways to deal with unease is to confront it and give a name(s) to what the sense of unease is. The process of naming shifts the brain away from anxiety mode to problem solving. This is something you can try yourself, without anyone knowing, and sense whether it is having a calming effect or not. If the effect is positive, repeat the exercise and start to build social resilience.

If your anxiety is more acute and the exercise is not making any difference, then you might consider further professional help.

The return to the workplace is an inevitability and thousands of workers in Bedford will be adjusting to a working pattern that is familiar on one hand, and different on the other. Remember that office social anxiety is a totally natural feeling, having spent so long away, especially if you are someone who has enjoyed your own company working from home. A reminder of some quick tips for coping with anxiety:

  • Create space in your mind and in your day to rationalise any fears.
  • To aid a sense of calm, try a meditation exercise that you can do quietly during a break or at lunch.
  • At a point of anxiety write down how you feel. This has the effect of distracting the brain from what is causing your sense of unease.
  • If self-help is proving ineffective, do not blame yourself. You might need some assistance from a professional (who will be happy to help).

Are you anxious about returning to the office?

As an experienced counsellor in Bedford, I am able to help you work through any anxieties about returning to your office or place of work. Call me on 07525 346998  and let's work together on making the work place somewhere that you can get ready to go back to.

Caroline Bygrave, counsellor in Great Denham, Bedford.

©2021 Caroline Bygrave. Counsellor in Bedford.

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